The Real Deal |
the tiny lettering at the bottom of every page of this site
states: this site is in no way intended to make light of
serious issues. Human rights are real, animal rights
are real, equal rights are real... these are serious
issues which should be treated with respect. The real
deal is that there are people who are mistreated, there are
animals who are mistreated. And that is wrong.
If these wrongs are to be righted someone needs to stand up
and fight. Many, many, organizations have been formed to
protect mistreated people and animals. They really do
organize rallies, and protests and they really do fight on
both the judicial and legislative level to make protect
those who cannot protect themselves. These
organizations deserve our respect, our gratitude, and our
support. If you have an interest in any such
organization you can check a few out on our list of links.